Within the project Skupaj v besedi (Sharing the wor(l)d), which has received funds from the Creative Europe 2014–2020 programme, two literary critics from Slovenia and Croatia, who will be following the festival events, interview authors, write articles, and report about the festival, will be hosted by the Slovene Writers’s Association for the entire duration of the Vilenica festival.

Andrija Škare, Croatia

Andrija SkareAndrija Škare was born in Zagreb in 1981. He has graduated in journalism and is one of the founders of the literary movement Eventualizam. His fiction is published in numerous newspapers in Croatia and in the nearby region, and his own works include a book of belletristic-journalistic records on Zagreb’s inns and cafes entitled S više mlijeka, molim (2008, More milk, please), the collection of stories Život svijeta koji će doći (2014, The Life of the World to Come) and records on music and literature Slušaj me (2016, Listen to Me).

Veronika Šoster, Slovenia

Veronika ŠosterVeronika Šoster was born in 1992 in Trbovlje. She attended I. gimnazija in Celje, graduated from comparative literature and Czech studies at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana, and is currently completing her master’s degree in comparative literature. She writes poetry, which has been published in various literary magazines and online. Her literary reviews are being published in some of the major Slovenian media, such as Literatura, radio ARS, AirBeletrina, Koridor – križišča umetnosti, and at the Trubar literature house. In 2016 she was selected as a member of the jury for the young “Veronika nagrada” poetry prize.