MONDAY, 4 September

19.00 Hosting Vilenica in Hrastnik
Gašper Kralj (Slovenia)
Moderator: Simona Solina
Hrastnik, the Compressor Station

20.00 Hosting Vilenica in Koper
Barbara Korun (Slovenia), Slovenian Author in Focus
Moderator: Irena Urbič
Koper, Atrium of the RTV Slovenia Regional Broadcasting Centre Koper/Capodistria (in case of rain, in Studio 3)

TUESDAY, 5 September

17.00 The Sanctity of the World
Barbara Korun (Slovenia), Slovenian Author in Focus
Moderator: Simona Solina
Ljubljana, Oton Župančič Library, basement

19.00 Austria and Germany at Vilenica
Silke Scheuermann (Germany), Max Sessner (Germany), Thomas Stangl (Austria) and Andreas Unterweger (Austria)
Moderator:Irena Samide
Ljubljana, Cankarjev dom, Štih Hall
The discussion will be held in German. Translation into Slovene by Amalija Maček.

WEDNESDAY, 6 September

19.00 Presentation of the CEI 2023 Award for Young Writers and CEI Round Table: “The Diverse Face of Europe”
Jake Buttigieg (Malta), Marij Čuk (Italy/Slovenia), Barbara Korun (Slovenia), Gašper Kralj (Slovenia), Ariane Koch (Switzerland), Wojciech Kuczok (Poland), Tijana Rakočević (Montenegro), Silke Scheuermann (Germany), Shpëtim Selmani (Kosovo), Max Sessner (Germany), Jan Škrob (Czech Republic), Thomas Stangl (Austria) and Tonia Tzirita Zacharatou (Greece)
Moderator: Aljoša Harlamov
Ljubljana, Cankarjev dom, Štih Hall
The discussion will be held in English. Translation into Slovene by Breda Biščak.

THURSDAY, 7 September

9.00 16.30: 21st International Comparative Literature Colloquium: “Literature and psyche” (Part I)
Chair: Igor Žunkovič
Participants: Mateja Pezdirc Bartol (Slovenia), Vesna Kondrič Horvat (Slovenia), Mojca Krevel (Slovenia), Katalin Ludmán (Hungary), Vanesa Matajc (Slovenia), Davor Piskač (Croatia), Robert Smid (Hungary), Alojzija Zupan Sosič (Slovenia), Borut Škodlar (Slovenia)
Ljubljana, Cankarjev dom, Štih Hall
The discussion will be held in English with translation into Slovene.

13.00 Vilenica Awardees
Literary reading: Barbara Korun (Slovenia), Tijana Rakočević (Montenegro) and Ottó Tolnai (Hungary/Serbia)
Moderator: Breda Biščak
Trieste, Antico Caffè San Marco

19.30 Vilenica in Sežana – Karstic Words
Jake Buttigieg (Malta), Marij Čuk (Italy/Slovenia), Silke Scheuermann (Germany) and Ottó Tolnai (Hungary/Serbia)
Moderator: Breda Biščak
Sežana, Kosovelov dom, Amphitheater (in case of rain, in the Kosovelov dom)
The discussion will be held in English and Slovene.

FRIDAY, 8 September

10.00 – 12.00: 21st International Comparative Literature Colloquium: “Literature and psyche” (Part II)
Gašper Kralj
(Slovenia), David Piskač (Croatia) and Silke Scheuermann (Germany)
Moderator: Igor Žunkovič
Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Cankarjev dom, Štih Hall
The discussion will be held in English with translation into Slovene.

12.00 Literary Noon
Jake Buttigieg (Malta), Marij Čuk (Italy/Slovenia), Tijana Rakočević (Montenegro), Silke Scheuermann (Germany), Max Sessner (Germany) and Jan Škrob (Czech Republic)
Moderator: Dražen Dragojević
Ljubljana, the Lili Novy Garden (the Garden of the SWA) (in case of rain, in the Entrance Hall of the National Gallery of Slovenia)
The discussion will be held in English and Slovene.

Programme for Literary Intermediaries
In collaboration with the Slovenian Book Agency.

16.30 Literary Afternoon
Literary reading: Ariane Koch (Switzerland), Gašper Kralj (Slovenia), Wojciech Kuczok (Poland), Shpëtim Selmani (Kosovo), Thomas Stangl (Austria) and Tonia Tzirita Zacharatou  (Greece)
Moderator: Dražen Dragojević
Ljubljana, the Lili Novy Garden (the Garden of the SWA) (in case of rain, in the Entrance Hall of the National Gallery of Slovenia)

19.00  An Aria of Words, the Brio of the World – Literary evening with the Prize Winner Ottó Tolnai
Ottó Tolnai (Hungary/Serbia)
Moderator: Jutka Rudaš
Ljubljana, Švicarija
The discussion will be held in Hungarian. Translation into Slovene by Gabriella Gaál.

SATURDAY, 9 September

10.30 Literary Matinée
Literary reading: Ariane Koch (Switzerland), Gašper Kralj (Slovenia), Wojciech Kuczok (Poland), Shpëtim Selmani (Kosovo), Max Sessner (Germany) and Thomas Stangl (Austria)
Presentation of the Crystal Vilenica 2023 Award
Moderator: Breda Biščak
Štanjel, Štanjel Castle, bowling green (in case of rain, in the Lojze Spacal Gallery)

18.30 Presentation of the Vilenica 2023 Prize to Ottó Tolnai
Literary reading: Barbara Korun (Slovenia), Jan Škrob (Czech Republic) and Tonia Tzirita Zacharatou (Greece)
Opening speech: Andrej Sila, Mayor of the Municipality of Sežana
Laudation: Jutka Rudaš, Member of the Vilenica Jury
Presentation of the Prize: Dušan Merc, President of the Slovene Writers’ Association
Moderator: Dražen Dragojević
Lokev, Vilenica Cave