Slovene authors at Vilenica

Miriam Drev


Miriam Drev was born in 1957 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. She is a poet, writer, literary critic, and literary translator who translates modern and classic authors, mostly from English and German. Her opus of translations amounts to more than 70 published works. To date she has published four collections of poetry: Časovni kvadrat (Time’s Square, 2002), which was shortlisted for the “Knjižni prvenec” literary debut award; Rojstva (Births, 2007), Vodna črta (Water Line, 2008), and Sredi kuhinje bi rasla češnja (In the Kitchen a Cherry Tree Would Grow, 2012). Her other individual literary works include the short graphic novel Šviga gre lužat (Šviga Does Wee-Wee, 1995) and her prose debut – the novel V pozlačenem mestu (In the Gilded City, 2012). The novel is set in Vienna, the capital of Austria, where she lived for seven years. She also authored 6 portrayals for the book Pozabljena polovica: portreti žensk 19. in 20. stoletja na Slovenskem (The Forgotten Half: Portraits of Slovene Women of the 19th and 20th Century, 2007). She lives and works as a freelance author in Ljubljana.

Foto © Maj Kelenc


Tone Kuntner


Tone Kuntner was born in 1943 in Trate in Slovenske Gorice, Slovenia. He graduated in theatre acting from the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television in Ljubljana in 1968 and became a regular member of the Ljubljana City Theatre soon after. In addition to working in theatre, he contributes to arts-based radio, film, and television projects. He was an Artistic Elocution lecturer at the AGRFT in Ljubljana from 1986 until his retirement in 2005. His first book of poetry, Vsakdanji kruh(Daily Bread, 1966), was followed by over 25 books of poetry and selected poems. The author’s poetic world includes images of everyday village life, with a particular inclination towards pristine harmony with nature. He also writes love-based and socially critical poetry. His poems have also been published both as part of anthologies and individually in many foreign languages. The numerous awards which he has won both for his poetry as well as for his achievements in the field of dramatic arts include the Prešeren Foundation Award for poetry (1970), the Slovene Drama Artists Association Award (1980), the Borštnik Prize (1983), and the Sever Prize (1985).


Vanja Pegan


Vanja Pegan was born in 1967 in Koper, Slovenia. He studied Comparative Literature at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Ljubljana. A writer and musician, he teaches classical guitar in Piran. He has written theatre music for various plays staged both at home and abroad between 1989 and 1996. His works include the illustrated children’s book Citronček in Giovanin (The Butterfly and Giovanin, 1999), two picture books: Mesto 2000 (City 2000, 2000), and Tonin (2009), for which he won the White Raven award for children’s literature (2010), the theatre plays for children Trije oslički in kozica Rozica (Three Donkeys and Rosie, the Goat, 2001) and Lučka in najlepše darilo (Lucy and the Prettiest Present, 2004), the novels Čoln (The Boat, 2005), Pisatelj, Adam in Pilot (The Writer, Adam, and the Pilot, 2006), which won a Svet knjige Book Club 30th Anniversary Contemporary Slovene Novel Literary Contest award, and Potovanje na začetek poti (A Journey to the Beginning of the Path, 2009), along with three books of short stories: Kopanje mornarjev v topli vodi (Sailors Bathing in Warm Water, 2002), Nebo davnega poletja (The Sky of a Summer Long Ago, 2007), and Štiri morske milje(Four Nautical Miles, 2012).

Foto © Voranc Kumar

Ana Pepelnik


Ana Pepelnik was born in 1979 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. She is a poet and translator. Her first book of poetry, Ena od varijant kako ravnati s skrivnostjo (One of the Ways How to Deal with a Secret), was published in Prišleki edition by the LUD Literatura Publishing House in 2007. The same publisher also published her two following books of poetry, Utrip oranžnih luči na semaforjih (The Blinking of Yellow Traffic Lights, 2009) and Cela večnost (A Whole Eternity, 2013). She translates poetry by the younger and middle generation of American poets, such as Joshua Beckman, Matthew Zapruder, Matthew Rohrer, Noelle Kocot, Jennifer Clement, James Schuyler, and Elizabeth Bishop. She spends her “other” spare time as a mother, speaker at the independent radio station Radio Študent, and voice explorer within the scope of many verbal/audio/mute/squeaky/noisy happenings, for example as part of the international project Metropoetica, but most frequently as the “third wheel” of the improvisational group CPG with Primož Čučnik and Tomaž Grom. She lives and works in Ljubljana; her favourite city to sleep in.

Foto © Mojca Pišek


Katja Perat


Katja Perat was born in 1988 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. She obtained a degree in Philosophy and Comparative Literature from the Faculty of Arts at the University in Ljubljana, where she is continuing her studies as a PhD student in the Literary Studies programme. She is a cofounder and member of the editorial board of the Idiot literary magazine and also assists with editing the Literatura literary journal and the web portal of the Študentska založba Publishing House –AirBeletrina. She is a contributing author and literary critic for the Pogledi cultural magazine, which is published every two weeks. Her first book of poetry, Najboljši so padli (The Best Have Fallen), was published by the Študentska založba Publishing House as part of the Beletrina literary collection in 2011. Her debut work won the Slovene Book Fair Award for best debut book of the year and the “Kritiško sito” prize of the Slovene Literary Critics’ Association. The collection was also shortlisted for the Veronika Award (2011) and the Jenko Award (2012).

Foto © Tihomir Pinter