The Guests of Vilenica 2011
Based on the consultants’ proposals, the Vilenica jury have selected the prize winner and the guests of the 25th Vilenica. The selection criteria remain the same: literary excellence and plurality in geographic, generational and generic sense.
Vilenica Prize Winner 2011
Mircea Cărtărescu, Romania
Slovene autor in focus
Drago Jančar
Vilenica Almanac
Pavel Brycz, Czech Republic
Pierluigi Cappello, Italy
Dan Coman, Romania
Ivan Dobnik, Slovenia
Dragomán György, Hungary
Jean-Michel Espitallier, France
Xavier Farré, Spain
Guy Helminger, Luxembourg
Stanka Hrastelj, Slovenia
Ljiljana Jokić Kaspar, Serbia
Gorazd Kocijančič, Slovenia
Tatjana Komisarova, Russia
Alain Lance, France
Vesna Lemaić, Slovenia
Vladimir Levchev, Bulgariaa
Nikola Madžirov, Macedoniaa
Alberto Manguel, Canada
Aleksander Peršolja, Slovenia
Edo Popović, BiH / Croatia
Angelika Reitzer, Austria
Tomasz Różycki, Poland
Ľubica Somolayová, Slovakia
Ognjen Spahić, Montenegro
Agron Tufa, Albania
Jan Wagner, Germany
Artūras Valionis, Lithuania
Turkish Literature
Nazlı Eray
Nedim Gürsel
Mehmed Yaşın
Recipient of the Poetry Slam Award at the Cúirt International Festival of Literature
Sarah Clancy, Ireland