Venues of the 39th Vilenica Festival

  1. Hrastnik
    Compressor Station
  1. Koper
    Slovenia Regional Broadcasting Centre Koper/Capodistria, Ulica OF 15
  1. Lokev
    Vilenica Cave
  1. Ljubljana
    Cankarjev dom, Prešernova cesta 10
    Center Rog, Trubarjeva cesta 72
    Slovene Writers’ Association, Tomšičeva 12
    National Gallery of Slovenia, Prešernova 24
    Švicarija, Pod Turnom 4
    Lili Novy Garden (the Garden of the SWA), Tomšičeva 12 
  1. Sežana
    Kosovel Cultural Centre, Kosovelova 4a 
  1. Štanjel
    Štanjel Castle, Štanjel 1a
  1. Trieste, Italy
    Antico Caffè San Marco, Via Battisti 18/A